Aldgate Campus

Together with Elevate, UKCBC have created a space to envy within both Business & Educational environments.

UK College of Business & Computing
Value: £495k

EFG were appointed to provide the loose and fixed furniture, acoustic solutions and designer lighting to the UK College of Business and Computing in March 2019, for their new Aldgate Head Office and teaching facility.
Working closely with their Project Manager we provided a full Interior Design Solution including product selection, colour ways as well as 2D and 3D space planning and visualisations.

The scheme was over 6 floors, including Executive suites, offices, staff and student canteens, teaching areas, auditorium, games room and library, with a total project value of £495k.

EFG appointed Offspring Installations as our key partner sub-contractor to carry out the full on-site installation services, working alongside our own Project Management team.
In order to meet the brief and drive the aesthetics, we on boarded new European suppliers, procuring from over 15 key manufacturers.
The full installation programme was phased over 4 weeks, including the installation of design driven acoustics and lighting.
The outcome is a beautiful environment for both the Colleges colleagues and students to thrive, with inspirational design and highly functional furniture throughout the scheme.

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